Patrick G
2007-10-29 03:44:32 UTC
ich bin 16 Jahre und kein guter Englischschüler.
Ich mache diese Woche meine Eurocom und nun bin ich soweit und ich glaube das in diesem Text viele Fehler sind.
Kann mir bitte jemand ein bisschen klar schiff machen??
und mir Helfen denn Text in ein gutes Englisch zu bringen??


Hier der Text

Our presentation is about Dubai
First we start with the
Where is Dubai? Then the climate,
Thirdly the city and the population and at last something about the sights in Dubai.

Dubai is in United Arab Emirates. On the north of Dubai is the Persian Golf.
In Dubai it is always hot on the summer there are no rain days.
From January to June, there are an average of 5 rainy days per month. IN the period from September to December, there are about 7 rain days per month. The temperature is between January and May at about 30 ° C from June to September at 35 to 45 grad

The city was in the 80 scarcely populated and little cultivated. Only where the oil is found, the city has started to grow.
Ago 10 years in Dubai live 100.000 people but now there live 1.5 million people. The most people are came to work because the oil makes many new workstations.

Three popular sights in Dubai.

First the Burj al Arab. The Burj al Arab is the highest Hotel in the world it is 321 meter high. The Hotel have 201 rooms there are all suites the biggest Suite cost per day
21 000 euro. Outside the Hotel looks like canvas and in 280 meter there is a helicopter base.
Acht antworten:
2007-10-29 04:06:56 UTC
mein englisch ist auch nicht so gut, aber ein paar fehler habe ich:

besser: Dubai is LOCATED in THE

DURING summer it is always hot AND...

the city was in the eighties !!!! ...

When the oil has been found the city started growing.

10 years ago in Dubai1000000 peopled lived there, bot nowadays the number increased to 1.5 million inhabitants. Most people come to Dubai for work, because the oil industry creates many new workstations ...

den nächsten satz verstehe ich nicht

The Hotel HAS 201 rooms which are all suites. The biggest suite COSTS....outside the Hotel IT looks like and in 280 m of height there is ....
2007-10-29 12:11:00 UTC
Also irgedwie reg ich mich gerade voll auf-war eben kurz davor deinen Text zu übersetzen da hab ich mir die Antworten von den Anderen kurz durchgelesen und fand die Texte wirklich gut formuliert und vor Allem korrekt. WARUM und WER verteilt hier die Daumen runter??? Bin noch nicht so lange bei Yahoo Clever aber ich hoffe das kommt nicht häufiger vor, dass sich Leute hier Mühe machen zu helfen und dafür Daumen runter kassieren! Nimm es mi nicht übel, dass ich jetzt keine Lust habe deinen Text zu überarbeiten nur damit mir ein Klügscheisser Daumen runter verpasst!
2007-10-29 11:30:53 UTC
Hi, also nach kurzem Durchlesen habe ich das ganze einfach mal aus dem Bauch heraus übersetzt. Da ich ein bisschen über die Stadt Bescheid weiß, kann es auch sein, dass einige Informationen von mir dazugekommen sind. Außerdem habe ich für die geographische Beschreibung im Wikipedia nachgeschaut. Hoffe, dass ich Dir helfen konnte.

The topic of our presentation is Dubai, an Emirate of the UAE. First of all we will start with the location of Dubai, followed by the climate and some facts about the city and the population. Finally a brief survey of some sights will be given.

Dubai is situated on the northeast coast of the United Arab Emirates. The emirate of Dubai shares borders with Abu Dhabi in the south, Sharjah in the northeast, and the Sultanate of Oman in the southeast. The Persian Gulf borders the western coast of the emirate.

Dubai enjoys an arid subtropical climate, with blue skies and sunshine all year round. The hottest months are between June and September, when temperatures can soar to 45°C and more during the day and humidity levels are very high. There is very little rainfall in Dubai, but when showers do fall it is mainly in the cooler months. Hence, from January to June an average of only five days per month of rain is possible. The average temperature ranges from 30°C (January – May) to 35°-45°C (June – September).

In the 80’s Dubai was scarcely populated and little cultivated. The economic boom started with the discovery of oil sources which let the population grow within a decade from 100,000 ten years ago to approximately 1.5 mil. people today. The major part accounts for the foreign working population, which benefits from the new jobs provided by the oil industry.

Finally three popular sightseeing highlights will be described. The probably most famous building is the Burj al Arab, Dubai’s landmark. This hotel is known as the highest hotel worldwide and is situated 321 metres above ground. Its own helicopter base is pretty below the peak of this building, namely at 280 m. This 7-star-hotel provides 201 rooms for its demanding clients who are willing to pay some EUR 21,000 for the biggest suite per day. The magnificent appearance of the building resembles a canvas.
2007-10-31 22:19:10 UTC
Ah...ich bin Americanerin...

Our presentation is about Dubai. First we'll start with the question; Where is Dubai? Second we'll talk about the climate. Thirdly about the city and the population and finally a little about the sights in Dubai.

Dubai is in the United Arab Emirates To the north of Dubai is the Persion Gulf. In Dubai it is always hot in the summer and it hardly ever rains. From January to June, there are on average, 5 rainy days per month. From September to December there are about 7 rainy days per month. The temperature between January and May is about 30 ° C and from June to Spetember about 35 to 45 degrees.

The city in the 80's was scarly populated and had little cultivation. Only where there is oil has been found has the city started to grow. 10 years ago in Dubai ther ewere only 100,000 people but now the population is 1.5 million people. Most people have come because the oil industry has made many new workstations.

There are 3 popular sights in Dubai. First is the Burj al Arab. The Burj al Arab is the highest Hotel in the world at 321 meters high. THe hotel has 201 rooms and suites. THe largest suite costs about 21,00 euros per day. Outside the hotel it looks like canvas and in 280 meters there is a helocopter base.
2007-10-31 20:44:05 UTC
Kannste mir deine E-Mail geben dann kann ich dir hellfen

19 gut in englisch
2007-10-29 11:47:18 UTC
also so wie ich das verstehe steht da folgendes:unsere Präsentation beschäftigt uns mit dubai!wir starten zuerst mit wo ist dubai dann das klima und die bevölkerung und sehenswürdigkeiten!

also dubai ist in den vereinigten arabischen emiraten und liegt nördlich des persischen golfes!in dubai ist immer sommer und heiß!von jan.-juni gibt es durchschnittlich 5 regentage im monat und von sep.-dez. durchschnittlich 7 regentage im monat!

temp.:jan.-may bei ca. 30 grad und von juni-sep. 35 -45 grad!

die stadt war erst sehr wenig bevölkert bis das öl entdeckt wurde!vor 10 jahren lag die bevölkerungsdichte bei ca.100.000 menschen jetzt bei 1.5 millionen!die meisten kamen zum arbeiten da das öl viele arbeitsbereiche bot!

sehenwürdigkeiten in dubai das höchste hotel der welt burj al arab ist 321 m hoch hat 201 zimmer und das teuerste und gröste zimmer kostet pro nacht 21.000€!aussen gibt es eine 280 m hohe leinwand und ein helikopterlandeplatz!

ich hoffe ich konnte etwas helfen und habe nichts falsch übersetzt!bin mir beim letzten satz nicht 100 % sicher!

liebe grüße alexandra

@piplo:ich kann dich verstehen!ich habe mir auch mühe gegeben ihm hier zu helfen und dann kommen hier irgendwelche klugschei.... die bestimmt nicht mal selber den text übersetzt haben und verteilen daumen runter!ich finde es auch einfach nur arm!
2007-10-29 11:26:52 UTC
Our presentation is about Dubai

1. Where is Dubai located

2. How is the climate in Dubai

3. The population and City of Dubai

4. Sightseeing

1. Dubai is part of the UAE with the Persian Golf in the north and the Arabic desert in the south. Saudi Arabia is the neighbor state.

2. The climate in Dubai is not chnaging very much throughout the year. Summers are very hot and almost no rainy days.

From January to June the avarage is 5 rainy days and in the second half till December it can be 7 days of rain.

The temperature from January till May is approximatly 30º C and eventually goes up to 35 to 45º C from June till September.

3. In the early 80's of the last century Dubai was sparsley populated and had little cultivation.

After uge oil reserves were discovered Dubai became what is is now. A modern City that is still growing.

10 years ago the population was 100.000 and in 2007 1.5 million.

People from all over the world came to Dubai for new opportunities and found work in the oil industry.

4. Dubai became very attractive to many tourists since there are various shopping malls and very nice hotels like the Burj al Arab with its 321 meter the largest hotel in the world. It has 201 suites and the most expensive costs 21000 € per day.

At a hight of 280m is a helicopter platform.

The hotel is shaped like a sail (canvas).
2007-10-29 11:09:55 UTC
Geh doch mal auf yahoo babel fisch. Da kannst du einzelne Wörter oder ganze Texte übersetzen lassen.

Dieser Inhalt wurde ursprünglich auf Y! Answers veröffentlicht, einer Q&A-Website, die 2021 eingestellt wurde.